Transparent results for exact positioning data of the mandible, temporomandibular joints and muscles and the basis for perfect prosthetics
Every dentist wants a theoretically “exact bite” in which the physiological position of the temporomandibular joint is achieved at the moment the bite is taken. In practice, however, this is almost never the case, as the patient is only ever able to provide the actual situation of their bite – especially due to the daily varying influences that the patient and dentist are naturally subject to.
This “bite registration in the actual situation is therefore often the basis for any further dental findings and any subsequent dental work. It can therefore lead to undesirable problems in the dental ⁄ dental reconstruction. In most cases, massive grinding measures and corrections are then necessary.
The DIR® system offers the dentist extensive possibilities for a perfect basis for all types of diagnostics and all “bite-based” work.
If the correct procedure is followed, it is generally no longer necessary to make any corrections in the patient’s mouth.
Apart from the ease of carrying out a digital jaw relation determination, the DIR® system provides immediately evaluable and comprehensible images of the patient’s current ACTUAL situation.
With the proven DIR® coding principle under defined masticatory force, you also receive an exact bite for perfect prosthetics at all times – independent of the dentist.
The electronic measuring method is based on the arrow angle or support pin registration according to Gerber with recording of the marginal movements of the mandible under physiological masticatory pressure and without reference to occlusion.
Centric position as target bite
Once the DIR® measurement has been completed, the centric position determined is encoded in the patient’s mouth as a so-called target bite by inserting the support pin into a fixation plate under defined chewing pressure and injecting or scanning silicone between the rows of teeth. This is then transferred to the articulator (analog or digital).

DIR® Sensor
The patented in-house development for recording the movement sequences of the lower jaw and the chewing force exerted.

DIR® measuring amplifier
The measuring amplifier transmits the data to the DIR® System software in real time.

DIR® positioning unit
The latest stepper motor technology for faster and almost noiseless control of the determined encryption position.
The calibration function implemented in the software ensures convenience and maximum precision.

Medical PC
21.5˝ Slim design Multi-Touch Medical Panel PC
16:9 Full HD, Windows 10, touchscreen, front IP65

Medical Tablet
9.7″ multi-touch medical panel tablet
4:3, Windows 10, touchscreen, front IP65
Docking station

DIR® Software
The software records the measured sensor values received from the measuring amplifier via the USB interface, which are linearized and geometrically corrected in order to display the force application point. It is displayed on the screen in an X-Y coordinate system. The total force determined is also shown on the display as a vertical value bar and serves as biofeedback for the patient to maintain the optimum range of jaw muscle force during registration.

DIR® suitcase trolley
Sturdy and custom-made transport trolley case for safe transportation of the DIR® System measuring unit